Monday, September 02, 2013

Watch 'Batman: Arkham Asylum' As A Movie

After posting his 'The Last Of Us' game movie, Andy Gilleand is back with a new full length game movie, 'Batman: Arkham Asylum'.
"I decided to try something new with this movie. Normally I try to edit out as many "game indicators" as possible, such as button prompts or other text. This game includes a great deal of these indicators that are difficult to edit out, such as grapple prompts and annoying text. I used a remove effect from the Mocha program to remove some of these. It only worked if the text/prompt to be removed only hovered above backgrounds, not if it moved in front of characters. So there's still a lot I couldn't edit out, but I think if you've played the game before, you may be surprised at some of the edits I was able to do. Some of these led to a few strange video artifacts, but for the most part it still looked better than the original. 
I played this at max settings, which ran pretty smoothly at 60fps on my PC, and I captured it at 24fps for a film feel."
His next game movie is 'Batman: Arkham City', but due to a busy schedule, may take a bit longer to complete.

Subscribe to his YouTube channel for updates and to see his previous game movies.

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